St Joseph has a team of volunteers who read for mass either in Spanish or English  regularly. The volunteer men and women serve as the role of Lector during Mass. They read the Commentary (Introduction to the Mass), they read at the Liturgy of the Word, Prayers of the Faithful and the announcements for the parish at the end of the mass.  

What is the Liturgy of the Word? We hear more about the Liturgy of the Word from Jeff Cavin’s and how important the role of the Lector is in the Catholic Church.

More information on the role of the Lector at Mass can be found below:

If you believe you can serve as a Lector and are a registered parishioner of St Joseph’s, and you are in good standing with the Church, please contact ROBERT MIRABAL at or call the parish office at (361) 882-7912.

\\\Martinez at the Parish Office or call 361.882.7912.